Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Big Anti-Style Moment — Part 1

“What are you looking at? You’ve never seen a hypocrite before?” —Leonard, The Big Bang Theory
We all have them, right? Caught out with our hair a muss, sweatpants askew and yesterday's mascara under the eyes... 

Running to the store or getting gas in your paint-splatterd T-shirt, unfashionably ripped jeans and your unpedicured piggies in too-small thongs—and there they are—your new boss, a snotty neighbour, the ex-boyfriend and his hot-little-sumthin’ sumthin’...

My moment was today. I woke up with the mother of all headaches. Downed a gallon of coffee and ate a kiwi—skin and all. I put on yesterdays clothes because I was going to make  a smoothie (which always ends up in splatters) and bobby-pinned the hair out of my face.

And then the knock came. The dog barking madly. There is no exit from my kitchen whereby I will not be seen from the front door (note to self: build escape hatch or panic room in kitchen). I could’ve dropped to the floor and stayed there but that much movement would’ve made my head explode for sure.

So I owned up to my very unstylish moment. Walked to the front door begrudgingly in my coffee spotted, banana splattered 6-year-old Old Navy t-shirt, too-big-and-baggy yoga pants and my paint splotched (I shouldn’t even admit this, but i swear I only wear them to paint and to water the plants) Croc sandals..... aaarrrggghhhhh. (Why? Why would I put this in print?)

The drama continues. Please come back tomorrow for Part 2 of this post. Trust me, it's worth it!

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